Saturday, April 18, 2009


Dear Sen. Casey,
Sometime ago, I wrote and contacted your office to regards to the horrible abuse that, I sustained from PA State Troopers. This will be seven years ago and still no justice. Truly I do understand that, this is a civil tort but....For me it's much more then that, I was a victim of domestic violence and i was not protected by the legal system here in PA.
I was born and raised in the United States and in our country there are laws that protect women from Domestic Violence. I followed all the legal procedures here in PA and for three years this case sat in Federal court under Judge Gardner and finally he ruled that the trooper was liable for my injuries. When our new President addresses our country and speak so strongly on change, I truly want to believe that this is true for our country but.....Avoiding the horrible truth in what happen to me is just out right wrong. As I plan to one day speak on this matter in public, what do I tell women who are victims and survivors that, the legal system in our country does not protect victims and survivors? I pray for a answer and I pray you hear my voice.

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